Wicked Wednesday Unveiling

Every Wednesday, I will be unveiling the latest creation creeping out from the studio!

This week, may I introduce to you ~ Beffumel!

Beffumel looks rather befuddled.......he's all dressed up for the festivities, complete with his polka dotted party had & spooky li'l skelly party stick, but one wonders just how high this curmudgeon's spirits are even capable of going!

He's now available on ETSY

UPDATE: Beffumel is already SOLD!!


  1. He looks like he would feel right at home on the set of any Tim Burton movie. Gorgeous!

  2. Sh1t, he's taken already >:/ He's so damn awesome!!

  3. Oh how I wish you were coming to Salem this year! :( Your art is even more amazing in person!!! Maybe next year?


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!

~ Brialee