The Munsters

NBC plans to redo The Munsters.

It'll be a drama, not a comedy like the 1960's series I absolutely adored growing up. Not sure how I feel about this; I really don't think they can outdo the original. But, I will of course be watching, for better or for worse.

I have to admit, I'm on the edge of my sofa cushion when anything with a paranormal/occult/hell-anything-spookyish theme premieres on the tube. Comfy lounge pants - check. Bowl of snackage - check. Wide-eyed, gleeful anticipation - check.

Please NBC, just do this sacred monstrous sitcom justice.


  1. I loved that show as a kid!

    I'm actually looking forward to the remake. Sure it'll never be the same, but yay more spooky stuff on the tv.

  2. Some things are sacred and should be left alone. A drama?! Really?
    Just don't touch my Addams Family and everything will be all right. The Addams Family movies were great, but I don't think they would have been if they were just dramas with no humor thrown in.
    I'll watch, but I can't promise to enjoy it. If you want drama watch The Walking Dead. I do!

  3. The Munsters has always been a go-to show for mindless giggles. Such a great sitcom.

    I am trying to imagine this turned into something dark and hoping it is done well.

  4. The Munsters as a drama? That's hard to imagine! Do you know when this show is scheduled to come on?

  5. Well, as far as I know, the planning stages for the pilot are underway right now and that's as far as it's gotten.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!

~ Brialee